Study Abroad

Continue your university adventure in another country.

Students in a snowy landscape

Follow in the footsteps of hundreds of Lancaster students who have studied abroad as part of their degree for a year or term. As well as experiencing another culture, you will grow in confidence, independence and add new skills to your CV.

Where can I go?

Consult this list to find out which overseas partners that were available for students studying abroad in 2023/24 by subject area. This is a guide only as places at overseas partners varies each year.

Where can I go?


There are costs associated with studying abroad. See the tabs below for more information.

Tab Content: Tuition fees 2023-2024

Tuition Fees

You pay tuition fees to ³ÉÈËÌìÌà during your study period and you do not pay any tuition fees to your host university.
If you study abroad for a full year, you pay 15%* of your normal tuition fee to Lancaster. For home students, this is ?1,385 for 2023/24. If you study abroad for one term, you will be charged your full tuition fee (100%).

It is expected that tuition fees for 2024/25 will be announced in Spring 2024. For updated information please refer to our webpage.

Tab Content: Living costs

Living Costs

If you study abroad outside of the EU, you will be required to prove that you have funding to support yourself. Cost will vary by country.

You do not have to have the full amount required in your bank account. You can show you have funds from different sources including your student loan, savings, scholarships, bursaries or from family.

CountryCost in local currencyCost in Pounds (?)
USA US $14,358 - $28,299 ?11,743 ¨C ?23,240
Australia AUD $27,390 Approx. ?15,598
Canada CND $10,164+ ?6,000+
New Zealand NZD $20,000 Approx. ?10,470 +flights
Hong Kong HKD $120,000 Approx. ?12,700

Tab Content: Other costs

Other costs

It is compulsory for you to have medical insurance when you are studying abroad. Depending on the country you are going to, this may mean taking out the host university's policy, a national student policy or finding your own.

You are covered by ³ÉÈËÌìÌÃ's emergency travel policy when you are overseas. However, this is not a general health policy. You can see what is covered by the University's insurance policy, which can be found on the students' Study Abroad Moodle page, so you will also need appropriate travel insurance to cover your personal possessions while you are away.

If you decide to study abroad, you will receive further information during the year before you go overseas.

There may be funding available (e.g. Turing Scheme) for you to apply to help fund your experience abroad.

This table will give you a rough guide to living costs in different countries based on exchange rates in June 2023

2020/21 prices

University of Colorado, USA

US $ (2020/21)

University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA

US $

Sunway University, Malaysia


Australian National University


WU Wien, Austria

Euros €


Room and Board



16,300 MYR

$475 per week

€650 per month

Books and Supplies



1000 MYR


€150 per month

Medical Insurance





€50 per month

Personal Expenses

$3,000 14,400 MYR ?3,200 €310 per month

Additional Costs

$1,650 $3,000 11,300 MYR $4,000

Total (currency)



43,650 MYR


€1160 per month

Total (GB Pounds)





?995 per month

How do I apply?

You apply through UCAS for degrees with Study Abroad in the title e.g. History (Study Abroad). If this is not available for your subject area, you apply when you start your degree. Some degree schemes do not allow a year or term abroad. The relevant department can confirm what is possible. There are limited options to study abroad for a term only. Below is a timeline for students studying abroad (excluding students studying in the Department of Languages and Culture).

Study Abroad application process at Lancaster

For most students, the Study Abroad application process once you are a Lancaster student will begin at the start of year 2. However, we want to make sure students are as prepared as possible for when the application process starts, so the Global Experiences team will deliver a number of information sessions throughout year 1, and you will also be invited to social events with Lancaster students who have previously completed the Study Abroad programme, as well as incoming exchange students from our partner universities and countries around the world where you may travel to for your placement.

The table below gives an outline of what the Study Abroad application cycle at Lancaster will look like for you in the year before you study abroad.

Please note that there are a small number of degree schemes where the options to study overseas is in year 2, and so this application cycle will take place in your 1st year at Lancaster. Please check your course pages for further information.


If you were admitted to the University on a Study Abroad degree scheme or if you are on a standard Lancaster degree scheme but want to study abroad, you should contact your Departmental Study Abroad Adviser to express an interest in participating.


The Global Experiences Office holds general information sessions for all students interested in studying abroad during November. There are also specific information and drop-in sessions starting in December about how much it costs to study abroad and immigration requirements. You then research exchange universities that are available for your department.

You will be asked to provide your Departmental Study Abroad Advisor with a shortlist of your preferred universities by the end of the Michaelmas term.


Your Departmental Study Abroad Advisor will allocate you a place by mid-January.


The Global Experiences Office will send you information about how to apply to your host university. Applications are submitted by the end of Lent term.


You will receive your acceptance documents from your host university. Once you have received these documents, you must apply for your visa.


The Global Experiences Office will hold pre-departure briefings for students who are studying abroad. Attendance at one of these is compulsory.

You will be told if you have fulfilled the academic requirements to study abroad following the Exam Boards in the Summer term.

If you are studying in the USA, you will have to go to the US Embassy for an interview.


If you are studying in Australia or New Zealand, you will leave for your year abroad.


If you are studying in the USA, Canada, Europe or Asia, you will leave for your year abroad.

Frequently asked questions


Get in touch

³ÉÈËÌìÌà Global Experiences

Welcome Centre, Bowland College, ³ÉÈËÌìÌà LA1 4YT


Telephone: +44 (0)1524 592035

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Interested in visiting Lancaster for Study Abroad or a Summer School?

Find out more about the options for visiting students

Study Abroad at ³ÉÈËÌìÌà | Global Summer Schools at ³ÉÈËÌìÌÃ